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read more >At the December 1 organizational meeting of Mason City Council, four Council members elect were sworn in to serve a 4-year term. Members Ashley Chance and Diana Nelson will return to Council to serve a new term, Barbara Spaeth returns having served on Council previously and Mark Haake will serve his first term as a
read more >On Monday night, Mason City Council planned a special event during its regular meeting to celebrate a Makino announcement of a $500,000 gift towards the completion of, what Mason residents often refer to as the Common Ground playground, a vision of the City and Mason Parks & Recreation Foundation for nearly a decade. Mason City
read more >On January 28, Mason City Council and TriHealth executives announced TriHealth’s significant contribution toward achieving the goal of building Common Ground Playground in Mason, Ohio. TriHealth’s support of this initiative will have a substantial impact on Mason’s journey to complete Common Ground Playground, a future destination where children and adults of all levels of capabilities
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