Investing the state budget surplus in municipalities
Mason City Council along with other municipalities to urge the State of Ohio to invest its budget surplus to restore some of the funding lost to local governments when the State balanced its budget during the recession by cutting and eliminating funding needed to provide local services.
Governor Kasich proposed using the projected state budget surplus of $147 million to fund an income tax withholding reduction and an additional $68 million to max out the state’s rainy day fund. The City of Mason urges the state to invest these dollars in crucial local services. Municipalities have an urgent need to rebuild infrastructure and bolster public safety services to fight the opioid epidemic. These dollars should be used to close the gap created through past Local Government Fund raids that resulted in a loss of $435 million for municipalities in CY 2015 alone.
Municipalities have been needlessly shortchanged by deep cuts in funding sources and revenue sharing with the state. State leaders must realize the impact their funding raids have on the ability of local governments to provide basic services and make crucial infrastructure improvements. We urge the state to not waste this opportunity to invest in municipalities, ensuring they are equipped to provide safe roads, clean drinking water, and fire and police services to millions of Ohioans. Investing these funds in our local governments is an investment in Ohio, helping to ensure stable infrastructure, job growth, and a strong future for our communities.
Please continue to express your concern to your representatives. For your convenience attached is a form letter that can be forwarded to State Legislators.
State Surplus Local Gov Impact
centralized income tax collection
Mason City Council recently joined a coalition of municipalities to challenge the State of Ohio’s efforts to start centralized collection of municipal income tax. Through the Ohio Constitution, Cities may have home rule power of local self-government. When the State passes laws encroaching upon local self-government it is necessary to defend these attacks through the judicial system.
Recent laws to assert control over the administration and collection of municipal income taxes is an encroachment of Mason’s home rule power of local self-government that is vital to Mason’s health, safety and welfare. House Bill 49 (the state’s biennial budget bill) contains numerous provisions relating to centralized collection of municipal net profits taxes by the Ohio Department of Taxation. This takes locally generated resources needed for local services and gives the collection and control over to centralized state bureaucracy. Once controlled by the state, it is likely that future changes could lead to redistribution of local taxes to other areas that would force higher taxes and fewer services for local taxpayers.
The City of Mason is committed to fight for its residents and businesses to keep local control of municipal income taxes, keep taxes low and provide the best services to its customers. Preserving local self-government is the best way to do this.
Please continue to express your concern to your representatives. For your convenience attached is a form letter that can be forwarded to State Legislators.
Form Letter
the ohio senate
the ohio house of representatives