Legal Notice
Posted 1/10/25
SEALED PAPER BIDS will be received by the City of Mason, Ohio until 11:00 AM, LOCAL TIME, Tuesday, January 28th, 2025. The City of Mason will open and publicly read the total bid amount for proposals at the Mason Municipal Center, City of Mason, 6000 Mason- Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio 45040, for the 2025 – 2027 Farm Lease.
SCOPE OF WORK generally consists of Lease agreement to farm approximately 236 acres of tillable land owned by the City of Mason.
THE ABOVE FARM LEASE shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents, on file in the City Engineer’s Office, 6000 Mason-Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio 45040. The City of Mason reserves the right to reject any or all proposals in accordance with the Contract Documents. The City of Mason reserves the right to add to or to subtract from the acreage quantities.
DRAWING, REQUIREMENTS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS are on file and available at the Mason Municipal Center, Customer Service Counter, 6000 Mason- Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio 45040. Bidders must submit their completed paper proposal at the Mason Municipal Center, Customer Service Counter, 6000 Mason- Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio 45040. No others will be accepted.
LAST TIME FOR QUESTIONS to be taken from Applicants is 11:00 AM, Thursday, January 23rd, 2025.
Each Proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties submitting the proposal and all persons interested therein. Each bidder must submit written summary of the proposed farming operations. The summary shall describe the farming method(s), planting dates, harvesting dates, maintenance plan for unfarmed areas, chemical application (if required), location of other farming operations, and any other pertinent information.
Applicants must use the forms contained in the Contract Documents. No others will be accepted.
Legal Notice
Posted 1/10/25
Please be advised there will be a public hearing held during the City of Mason Zoning Board of Appeals meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Mason Municipal Center, 6000 Mason-Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio. The public hearing will be held to review the following items:
PLN24-0159 A variance is being requested from the Mason Zoning Code, Section 1147.5, R-1 through R-4 Single Family Residential District Development Standards for a property located at 5262 Overlook Drive. This section of the Zoning Code requires a minimum 30-foot rear yard setback. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow for a 15-foot rear yard setback for construction of a new deck.
PLN24-0162 A variance is being requested from the Mason Zoning Code, Section 1147.5, R-1 through R-4 Single Family Residential District Development Standards for a property located at 313 E Main Street. This section of the Zoning Code requires a minimum 40-foot front yard setback. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow for a 12-foot front yard setback for construction of a new patio.
PLN24-0163 A variance is being requested from the Mason Zoning Code, Sections 1171.5, Rear Dwellings, and 1147.5, R-1 through R-4 Single Family Residential District Development Standards, for a property located at 220 Kings Mills Road. These sections of the Zoning Code allow for a second, rear dwelling on a property so long as they meet all of the required setbacks for the zoning district. For the purpose of determining the front yard in such cases, the rear line of the required rear yard for the principal building shall be considered the front lot line for the rear dwelling. The applicant is requesting a variance to use an existing building on the property as a rear dwelling, which is only 29 feet from the rear of the principal building.
PLN25-0002 A variance is being requested from the Mason Zoning Code, Section 1148.4, R-6 Condominium and Landominium Residential District Development Standards, for a property located at 216 Kings Mills Road. This section of the Zoning Code allows for a maximum density of six units per acre. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow for an increased density of eight units per acre.
Anyone interested in reviewing the above listed variance requests may do so by emailing the City of Mason Engineering & Building Department at [email protected], or may attend the Tuesday, January 28, 2025, Zoning Board of Appeals public hearing at 7:00 p.m.
Legal Notice
Posted 8/28/24
The City of Mason has completed and filed the 2023 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The report is available for public inspection in the City of Mason’s Finance Department located at 6000 Mason-Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio. The report is also available at the City of Mason’s website,
Legal Notice
Posted 8/24/23
The City of Mason has completed and filed the 2022 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The report is available for public inspection in the City of Mason’s Finance Department located at 6000 Mason-Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio. The report is also available at the City of Mason’s website,
Legal Notice
Posted 3/6/23
The Mason Port Authority fiscal officer has completed and filed Warren County’s 2022 Annual Financial Report. The report is available for public inspection in the City of Mason’s Finance Department located at 6000 Mason Montgomery Road, Mason, Ohio.
Public Notice
Posted 10/29/21
City addresses use of Mason City logo. Please click here.