The Mason Police Department Campus Safety Team would like to bring awareness of a sudden surge in crime occurring within our community and request your assistance in helping make the community safer. Mason is not alone – this crime trend is occurring in most suburban areas.
Over the past several months, Mason Police have noted numerous occurrences of auto thefts and thefts of items from vehicles in the community. These crimes are typically committed by juveniles who do not reside in Mason or Warren County. The stolen vehicles are typically taken on “joyrides” and used in other theft offenses in area jurisdictions. Most commonly, these offenders are taking advantage of citizens who leave valuable items in their vehicles and leave their car doors unlocked.
While the Mason Police Department is working to solve these cases, the nature of the crime and age and origin of the offenders makes solvability challenging and prosecuting even more difficult. This crime seems to be the latest trend for juveniles so while offenders are caught others quickly take their place.
The only effective method is prevention. Residents are encouraged to take action to help us keep our neighborhoods safe and discourage these crimes in Mason.
- Never leave valuable items inside of your vehicle.
- Never leave a firearm in your vehicle.
- Never leave your keys or key-fob in your vehicle.
- Never leave your garage-door opener in your vehicle.
- Always lock your vehicle when it is unattended.
- Consider installing motion-activated flood lights on your home.
- Consider installing security cameras on your home
Taking these steps will go a long way to help prevent these crimes. Please take these preventive actions now.