water & sewer

Providing quality drinking water and reliable sewer service.

water service

Pine Hill Lakes Park Water PlaygroundWater for all residential and business customers in Mason is supplied by Greater Cincinnati Water Works (GCWW). As part of their contract, GCWW provides billing services for all of Mason’s utilities. Mason residents receive a single monthly utility bill from GCWW for water, sewer, waste collection and stormwater. Payments are remitted directly to GCWW.

Filling a swimming pool? Click here to learn the best time to fill it.

Whom do I call if I need service or help with my water?
GCWW Interactive Voice Response

GCWW Customer Service

GCWW Water Emergency
513.591.7700 (option #3)

Mason Utility Customer Service

Greater Cincinnati Water Works has an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system that provides customers with up-to-the-minute information concerning billing or account activity. It also gives you the opportunity to make a credit card payment over the phone or to provide a meter reading. These options are available 24 hours a day by calling 513.591.7700.

If you have a question or concern that is not addressed through information provided by the IVR, please call during normal business hours to request connection to a Customer Service Representative. If a CSR is not immediately available, the call is placed in a queue and answered in the order received. You will be notified if there is a “wait time” and how long the wait will be. You can then choose to wait or provide a telephone number where you can be reached for a return call.

The Greater Cincinnati Water Works’ emergency numbers are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to provide quick response to customer needs. Dial 513.591.7700 and select option 3.

In addition, residents and businesses may contact Mason’s utility customer service during normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The number is 513.229.8533.

More about Mason’s water service

Water – Our Most Precious Resource

sewer service

Mason’s Water Reclamation Plant on Mason-Morrow-Millgrove Road is the last but most important stop for all wastewater (sewer water) in the city. The facility, completed in 2006, continues to draw interest from industry specialists for its state-of-the-art processes. It is the receiving facility for all wastewater in the city’s collection system. (The collection system brings the water from homes and businesses through underground pipes to the plant.) At the plant, the wastewater passes through a multi-step process to clean the water so it can be returned to the environment. Sewer fees based on the amount of water used support the debt service and operations of the Water Reclamation Plant.

Whom do I call if I need service or help with my sewer?
For sewer emergencies between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, call the City of Mason Public Utilities Department at 513.229.8570. At other times, call the Warren County Communications Center’s non-emergency number 513.925.2525. A call-out fee will be charged if the problem is not the fault of the city.

What if I have questions about my sewer bill?
Information about your sewer bill can be obtained by calling Greater Cincinnati Water Works at 513.591.7700.

GCWW – Billing and Payment Information

More about Mason’s sewer service

fill your swimming pool after your april meter reading date!

A summer sewer usage cap was implemented in 2003 and amended in 2006 to account for outside water usage that does not require sewer processing.

To take advantage of the usage cap and save, fill your pool or water your new landscaping after May 1st so you can take full advantage of the summer usage cap.

What is a Summer Sewer Usage Cap?
The Summer Sewer Usage Cap is a method of calculating your sewer bill to more accurately reflect sewer usage in the summer, when many homeowners increase their outdoor water usage.

Mason residents receive both water and wastewater utility services. Wastewater is the water that runs down the drain in your home and through underground sewer pipes to the city’s water reclamation facility, where it is processed and returned to the environment.

The sewer rate structure is based upon water usage. For each cubic foot of water used, you are charged both a water fee and a sewer fee. The sewer usage cap was established to adjust for the fact that water used outdoors, such as for watering lawns, does not enter into the Mason sewer system. Fees are not charged on summer water usage that exceeds a cap amount that is based upon your winter usage.

How is my usage cap determined?
The usage cap is different for each homeowner, and is based on the amount of water you used during the winter. The calculation is the average monthly usage of water at your home during the months of December through April. That average becomes your cap for the summer months (May through November).

How is the usage cap used in the summer?
For each billing period in the summer (May through November), the number of cubic feet of water you used is determined based upon your water meter reading. If this number is lower than your usage cap, sewer fees are charged on all the cubic feet of water you used. If this number is greater than your usage cap, you will not be charged sewer fees for the cubic feet of water above your usage cap. Water fees will still apply.

Do I have to apply for the summer usage cap?
No. Greater Cincinnati Waterworks (GCWW) currently bills residents of Mason for water, sewer, storm water, and waste collection services. The GCWW billing system will automatically apply the sewer usage cap if you live in a one or two family residence.

How is my usage cap determined if I just recently moved in?
If you recently moved and do not have at least three months of winter water usage in your new home, your summer usage cap will be set at 12 hundred cubic feet (12 ccf) for that year. (Twelve ccf is 8,976 gallons.)

I just moved from another house in Mason. Can I use my past water history from that address for my new house?
No. Different houses use different amounts of water, depending on factors such as toilet tank capacity, shower flow, dishwasher usage, etc. A new water history will need to be established in your new location.