The collection system transports used water from your sink to the Water Reclamation Plant by gravity and by pumps that are strategically located at several lift stations in the city.

Lift stations pump the wastewater up to where it can again flow by gravity
outlying collection system
Mason’s sewer system contains two main trunk sewers that transport most of the wastewater to the Water Reclamation Plant (WRP). The oldest, the U.S. 42 Trunk Sewer, begins in the southwestern corner of the city and flows downstream in a northeasterly direction across central Mason to the WRP. The trunk sewer consists of 18-inch to 27-inch diameter pipe up to the U.S. 42 siphon chamber. From the siphon chamber, a 30-inch diameter pipe carries the wastewater to the WRP.
The U.S. 42 Trunk Sewer intercepts flow from the majority of the city, conveying most of the city’s wastewater. It serves the area from Bethany Road on the north to Castle Drive on the south, and from Butler-Warren Road on the west side to Mason-Montgomery Road and S.R. 741 on the east side.
The other trunk sewer, the East Trunk Sewer, begins in the southeastern part of the city and flows along the eastern side of Mason to the WRP. The East Trunk Sewer consists of 15-inch to 27-inch diameter pipe.
Mason’s Public Utilities Department maintains almost 120 miles of sewer lines serviced through about 2,000 manholes. Ultimately, all the wastewater enters the treatment plant through the influent pump station.
sewer system inventory
Size in inches | Length in miles |
6 | 1.0 |
8 | 93.29 |
10 | 3.57 |
12 | 9.60 |
15 | 4.91 |
18 | 1.75 |
21 | 1.35 |
24 | 0.43 |
27 | 2.43 |
30 | 0.84 |
Total miles | 119.17 |