Let us help you with your taxes!
For tax preparation assistance, please email your tax documents via the secure email. The City also offers an online tax tool to calculate your taxes or you can print completed forms and attach the appropriate documentation to send in to the Mason Municipal Center. Tax Year 2024 due date is April 15, 2025.
NEW FOR 2024: Those under 18 are not required to file a tax return.
Please complete declaration of exemption if you have filed before.
Click here for tax forms for individuals.
Click here for business tax information.
calculate your taxes online and file electronically
Use our online tax tool to calculate your taxes. Just enter the requested information and the tool will calculate your taxes and fill in a tax form for you. Most full-year residents will then be able to file and pay (if taxes are due) electronically. (Please print a copy for your records.)
If you are not eligible to file electronically, you can print the completed form, sign it and attach the appropriate documentation, and send it in. Please print an extra copy for your records.
let us complete your form
The City of Mason Tax Office staff will be glad to complete your Mason tax return free of charge. Just bring all the necessary W-2’s (copies are acceptable), your Federal Form 1040 (page 1) Schedule 1, and any pertinent federal schedules to the customer service counter on the first floor of the Municipal Center, place your documents in the dropbox located in the half circle outside the Municipal Center, or email Tax Office staff via the secure e-mail below.
(create or use existing account for free secure messages) |
Location and contact information
extended hours
Saturday, April 12 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday, April 15, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
make quarterly payments electronically
The online tax tool can also be used to make quarterly tax payments and to see your online payments for the year. Payments made before January 15, 2025 that were not made online are included as well.
Ninety percent of your 2024 taxes are due by January 15, 2025. The deadline for filing 2024 returns is April 15, 2025. For tax year 2024 quarterly tax payments are due April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 15. (The first quarterly payment is made with your previous year’s tax return.)
tax-supported services
Money from Income taxes is used to support many of the services that contribute to the quality of life in Mason. Some of these include:
- Curbside brush chipping
- Road construction and maintenance
- City park land
- Fall curbside leaf pickup
- Police protection
- Snow and ice control
- City publications
- Traffic signal maintenance
- Utility payment office
- Fish stocking
There are many more benefits to living in the City of Mason than those listed above. Browse through our web site to learn more!