The Engineering and Building Department also houses the Planning division. The Engineering and Planning divisions administer the city’s growth, implement major capital improvement projects authorized by City Council, and oversee contracts for the city’s yearly maintenance responsibilities.
Administration of the city’s growth implies a variety of duties, including:
- managing growth issues
- future planning
- zoning
- maintaining GIS maps and databases
- overseeing contractor workmanship
- records research
- regulating traffic congestion and vehicle speed
- managing public safety concerns
- improving pedestrian safety
- overseeing sign placement and landscaping
- managing the storm drainage system
- ensuring sewer availability
The Building division manages all new and existing construction work as well as any fire suppression, mechanical, electrical, fire alarms, accessory structures and tents.
on this page:
Comprehensive Plan
Annual Traffic Count Program
Bicycle and Pedestrian Path Plan
Flood Insurance Rate Map
Landscape Ordinance
Local Building Codes and Applications
Parks Master Plan
Sewer Master Plan
Sign Regulations
Subdivision Regulations
Zoning Ordinances
- Shared Use Paths
- Business Parks
- Mason School District
- Downtown Preservation
- Thoroughfare Plan
- Traffic Counts
- Zip Code/School District
- Zoning Map (11×17)
- Zoning Map (36×48)
- Street Map. 2010 is the latest edition available. This map is 16 pages and can be downloaded and printed in sections:
comprehensive plan
The Mason Comprehensive Plan is a strategic guide for residential, industrial, and mixed use land use development; transportation improvement; and open space. It was first created in 1963 and is updated periodically.
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 1, Housing and Neighborhoods
- Chapter 2, Natural Resources and Open Spaces
- Chapter 3, Community Facilities and Services
- Chapter 4, Economic Development
- Chapter 5, Infrastructure
- Chapter 6, Transportation
- Chapter 7, Land Use
- Chapter 8, Sub-Area Plans
- Chapter 9, Action Plan
annual traffic count program
This annual program began in 1999 and takes annual counts of traffic flow through 18 major intersections in and around the city, for use in making traffic and road improvement decisions. Additional intersections are added to the program as needed. View the Traffic Count map.
2001 bicycle and pedestrian path plan
A network of bicycle and pedestrian paths is planned for the City of Mason. Implementation will be in phases, with the ultimate goal of connecting neighborhoods with public areas such as schools, parks, and downtown. The city also takes part in the regional efforts to plan and implement a Miami-2-Miami Connection. View the map of Mason bike paths here.
flood insurance rate map
The Flood Insurance Rate Map created by the federal government identifies land in federally-designated floodplains for administration of National Flood Insurance Program.
landscape ordinance
Landscaping enhances the look of developments and provides screening between different land uses. The Landscape Ordinance governs the landscaping of new residential properties and new and existing commercial, office, and industrial properties. It was first created in 1994 and was reviewed and revised in 2002. Minor changes were made in 2008.
local building codes and applications
Building codes and building inspections are in place to assure the safety of you and the public. For residential construction, the Mason Building Department has several information sheets to help you plan your project.
Building Documents
You can apply for a permit through our Mason Permit Portal access.
parks master plan
The Parks Master Plan was created by the Parks & Recreation Department as a guide for developing about 260 acres of potential parkland in the City of Mason. If completely developed, this would double the size of the city’s park system, now at 242 acres.
sewer master plan
The Sewer Master Plan contains improvement strategies for the wastewater collection system and treatment plant. It’s goal is to insure reliable and adequate facilities throughout the city, both now and in the future. It was authored by the Public Utilities Department in 1992 and was revised in 1999.
sign regulations
These standards for signs are Chapter 1187 of the Mason Zoning Ordinance (see Zoning Ordinance below).
subdivision regulations
These regulations are a set of standards and procedures for subdivision development, including water runoff and sediment control, to help promote public safety and welfare. The Subdivision Regulations are Title One of the Mason Zoning Ordinance (see below).
zoning ordinances
The Mason Zoning Ordinance is a set of development standards for all land uses, zoning classifications, and standards of performance and design, created to promote public safety and welfare. It was first created in 1959 and is reviewed and updated regularly.