Spraying on a preservative sealer helps prolong the life of the pavement
what is preservative seal?
Preservative seal is an emulsion made up of specific petroleum oils and resins. It is formulated to extend the life cycle of asphalt pavement by restoring and preserving the asphalt’s binder, which keeps the asphalt flexible. By extending the life cycle of the asphalt pavement, we are ultimately delaying all other treatments, saving valuable tax dollars.
how does it work?
Preservative seal is an in-depth seal, meaning that once applied, it penetrates the pavement. The process keeps the pavement flexible so both cracking and road fatigue are reduced. It also seals the pavement from air and water, slowing the oxidation process and reducing the loss of small aggregate (the bits of rock and gravel used in the asphalt). By treating the road with preservative seal, we have found that we add five to seven years to the surface pavement’s useful life.
when should preservative seal be used?
The best results are obtained when the seal is applied within the first two years of construction, before the pavement is overly exposed to the elements.
how is the preservative seal applied?
Preservative seal is sprayed onto the road surface. Once applied, it takes 30 to 45 minutes for the product to penetrate the surface, depending on the temperature. A light coating of sand or limestone is applied to allow traffic back on the road. After one or two days, the sand is swept up and the treatment is complete.
how much does the city save by using preservative seal?
The cost of using a preservative seal is one-half to one-third of the cost of conventional pavement treatments. Further, because the seal postpones the age deterioration that requires crack filling, resurfacing, and other treatments, the long-term maintenance costs are lower.
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